SPLC offers assistance with copyright questions

  1. The SPLC’s Fair Use Guide is one of our most popular online resources, helping separate myth from reality when journalists try to reuse material created by others.
  2. Where is it legal to borrow creative works from the web? These sites offer access to copyright-safe photos, videos and songs.
  3. Use this PowerPoint presentation and presenter notes to help students understand the basics of what copyright does and doesn’t protect.
  4. In this YouTube video, SPLC’s Executive Director Frank LoMonte walks through common copyright questions that student journalists encounter.
  5. The case of the iconic Obama “HOPE” poster is an ideal teaching vehicle to help students grasp principles of copyright ownership.

The SPLC is always on-call through this online submission form to provide you with on-point legal research or connect you with a volunteer lawyer who can advise you through any difficulty.