NON-FICTION reading selections

FROM: Ellen Austin, The Harker School
Hello fellow journalism colleagues!
I’m sending this earlier in the year, in hopes that if anyone wants to do a staff “one read” or alternatively a “choose your own adventure” option, this list of 100+ non fiction titles might prove helpful.
Non Fiction Texts  (updated October 2021)
Last year, my intro journalism students did a “one read” of Anne LaMott’s “Bird by Bird” and it was well received. The output after reading the book was a short memoir by each student (and we have published several of them in our publications.)
My advanced students opted for the “choose your own adventure” and read a non fiction text of their choice. Their output was a short “mini review” (we used a google form, and I gave them about 45 minutes in one class to complete the form!) that we then used to populate weeks of online “book corner” recommendations.
Sending good thoughts out to you all: October is a rough month in teacher world…. keep hanging in there! Each of you is amazing, and you are doing an incredible job!