New beginnings bring stress, excitement

Beth Britton

Each year at this time my feelings and emotions are a mixture of excitement, stress and worry. When I think of all that I do throughout the year for yearbook, newspaper, intro to journalism classes, online and the myriad of Homecoming and other school-related activities that I just do not seem to be able to say no to, I am exhausted.

I know there are great things ahead for my students this year, but in my 14th year of publications advising I tend to think of problems and challenges as much as I think about the rewards of the job. Of course, I am writing this in the midst of the strange days when teachers are back in the building and kids will not arrive until Wednesday. No matter how much I work, I never feel ready for them to pop into the room. I have felt like this every year of my teaching career, I have to remind myself.

I have two really strong staffs this year, and I am excited. I just need to get started and stop thinking about the thousands of decisions and issues facing me in the months to come.

I think we as journalism teachers have some of the best jobs in the school districts of Montana, and I need to remind myself to stop and enjoy the journey and not be so totally consumed with those final products. Life will go on with or without the extra award or the mistake-free issue. My goal this year is to make more time for my family — difficult for advisers, I know — and breathe. (my students will appreciate this)

I wish you all much happiness and luck as we begin the 2016-2017 school year. Please call me at (406) 268-6178 if you ever want a friendly ear who understands the stress you are under. I would love to chat.
